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Workshop on Exploring Creativity

SIT IIC Cell organized a Half Day Workshop on Exploring Creativity: Building Models with Toothpicks and Cycle Valve Tube at Library Block, Srinivas Institute of Technology, on 26-12-2022. Dr. Prasad P., SIT-IIC Innovation Ambassador, and Prof. Vivek V. Kumar, Member, SIT-IIC, Professor in Marine Engineering, coordinated the workshop. The facilitator was Mr. Hasmukh Sapnawala, EBHLE (Experience Based Holistic Learning Environment, Hasmukh Sapnawala is a scientist trying to set up a learning space for children in a forest setting. His current topics of Research are Neuroplasticity, Biomimicry, and Quantum mechanics. What the participants learned from the workshop: 1. About geometry by doing - triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons, star. 2. Making 2-way, 4-way and 6-way joints using Cycle Valve Tube. 3. A low-cost but highly creative way of building models like Cubes, Pyramid, Tetrahedron, Geometry dome and Icosahedron.4. The basics of Design Thinking, and5. The teamwork.

December 26,2022 Posted By SIT