News and Events

Activity of AIMES and ASMA-2023

The student Association of Marine Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, SIT jointly organised an activity “ENIGMA- Encrypt and Decrypt” on 21st July 2023. The program received active participation from students representing various departments within the college. The event comprised three rounds: a quiz, a decoding challenge, and an Internet of Things (IoT) segment. These rounds were designed to stimulate the students' intellect and foster an atmosphere of learning and innovation. Mr. Prithuesh PB, Mr. Madhav S, and Mr. Chandan G R from second year Marine Engineering, along with Mr. Abhishek Bandi and Subramanya Nayak from second year Mechanical Engineering, led the organization. Prof. Sathish KG and Dr. Raghavendra M J, faculty advisors from AIMS and ASMA respectively, provided coordination for the program.

July 21,2023 Posted By SIT